“We are all working in little ghettos of our own – we need holistic thinking that brings together one big picture of what we need to do.” Satish Kumar, Founder Schumacher


Our approach, outlined below, has been based on action research and inquiry. The process has been organic and emergent rather than formal and academic. Along the way, we have valued blending both analysis and synthesis and structure and process.

Scoping- Dialogue Interviews

We have conducted interviews with over a dozen leading thinkers and practitioners who are working to expand human consciousness in the UK such as Satish Kumar, Jeddah Mali, Malcolm Stern, Jules Evans and Sister Jayanti. Through these interviews we have tested the readiness and have identified key themes for action.

Sensing- Surveying Leaders

We hosted co-inquiry dialogues that provided space for peer learning and collective sense making on what patterns are emerging in the field. Check out discoveries here.

We conducted a national survey of 150 leaders which helped to identify the strategic challenges, opportunities and ideas for building the field. 

Synthesising – Building Collective Intelligence

We have synthesised the collective intelligence so far and have documented it in a synthesis report.  This include 5 key areas for possible ways to better navigate as a field to help further expand human consciousness. Check out the collective intelligence here.

Seeing – Convening for Collaborative Action 

In 2022, we will host co-creative opportunities for people to meet each other and connect, to reflect on the synthesis report and to identify opportunities for collective action.


“We have to work together if we want to amplify and we must amplify because we don’t have unlimited time when it comes to what’s happening on this planet.”  Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris